Quality policy
At Yamagata Europe, we experience and understand quality as a fundamental success factor. The achievement of the best possible customer satisfaction is our most important objective. We dedicate ourselves to provide high-quality documentation and linguistic solutions and exceed our customers’ expectations at every stage in the process.
Perception is reality in today’s world and the perception of our service is said to be the only true measure of our performance. Being a market leader and trendsetter in the development of tools and workflows for measuring translation quality, we strongly believe these market perceptions can be benchmarked against objective and measurable quality metrics based on industry standards.
More than a mere company policy, our commitment to quality is a personal and individual challenge at Yamagata, every one of our employees is a professional who displays accountability and responsibility towards every project undertaken. These professionals make the difference, every day.
At Yamagata Europe we measure quality during the process based on the kaizen principle of “the next process is the customer”. All checks, QA data and claims are logged in our different databases. We translate these inputs in objective quality targets and KPI.
We strive for continuous improvement in the quality of our products and services, in the effectiveness of the management system and in the perception and satisfaction of our customers.
This company DNA, this policy and our commitment is embedded in our daily work via an attitude and processes that are aligned with the ISO 9001, ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 standards.
CSR and environmental policy
At Yamagata Europe, we make efforts to safeguard and improve the working environment of our employees, partners, suppliers and other stakeholders in our production supply chain in terms of health and safety, human rights and working conditions, environment and ethics.
We fully comply and implement all applicable legislations and regulations of the countries where we have offices and branches, and endeavour to promote these to our partners in other countries with less strict rules and regulations.
In addition to the efforts required by law, we are committed to contribute to corporate social responsibility by playing an active role in:
- the education of future professionals in our industry through organising internships in our company.
- the positioning of our sector by means of active involvement in trade industry organisations as TeKOM and BQTA.
- fine-tuning the curricula for future linguistics students through our close co-operation with the academic world.
We also make efforts to safeguard and improve the environment by reducing the use of natural resources, as well as reducing wasted and environment-harmful substances.
Our environmental impact is indirect though and our efforts are motivational, as we are a company without own production facility nor do we own property.
We observe and implement the legal regulations as well as specific customers’ requirements.
In order to do so, we have created a partnership with our suppliers and partners and motivate them to abolish the use of all products that are not allowed by our customers or by law.
Information security policy
In today’s society of advanced computerization in which systems are becoming decentralized and networked, the role that information assets play in all kinds of organizations is becoming increasingly important. In line with this trend the protection and safe use of these assets have become critical challenges as a basic requirement to ensure that business operates smoothly and without interruption for the benefit of our customers, shareholders and other stakeholders.
Therefore, it is essential to Yamagata Europe to protect and correctly manage all information assets and personal data in its possession and establish appropriate safety measures. For Yamagata Europe, this management goes beyond the traditional scope of GDPR, as we also offer ways to treat (non-personal) company data as confidential.
To provide such a level of operation, the Yamagata Group has implemented an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in Japan, in line with the International Standard for Information Security, ISO/IEC 27001. As a daughter company and supplier of Yamagata Corporation, Yamagata Europe also strives to adhere to the basics of the processes in place at Yamagata Corporation. In Europe this also comprehends the compliance with European legal and regulatory requirements like the GDPR legislation.
A risk management approach and process will be used which is in line with the requirements and recommendations of our quality management system based on ISO 9001.
On a day to day level, we encourage all employees and other stakeholders in our business to ensure that they play their part in delivering our information security objectives.
Policy regarding safety, health, welfare and work environment
In all its activities, Yamagata Europe puts the well-being of its own employees and that of third parties first. Mutual respect, health and safety and the continuous development and training of employees are central. We also pay attention to occupational safety, healthy and pleasant working conditions, respect for the environment, and for psychological and physical problems.
Yamagata Europe recognizes that discrimination and victimization is unacceptable and that it is in the interests of the Company and its employees to utilize the skills of the total workforce. It is the aim of Yamagata Europe to ensure that no employee or job applicant receives less favourable facilities or treatment (either directly or indirectly) in recruitment or employment on grounds of age, disability, gender/gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
Our aim is that our workforce will be truly representative of all sections of society and each employee feels respected and able to give of their best.
All employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be based on aptitude and ability. All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilized to maximize the efficiency of the organization.
The hierarchical line takes its responsibility for the safety and health of all employees within Yamagata Europe. Management is committed to providing the necessary resources to implement an active and dynamic policy.
Yamagata Europe translates this policy into the following specific objectives:
- Ensure a correct reception for new employees,
- Ensure that employees have adapted training, knowledge and resources, so that they can perform the tasks entrusted to them,
- Smooth and simple communication with mutual respect between managers and employees and employees themselves,
- Preventive intervention in danger states or risks to create a safety-conscious working environment,
- Conducting responsible, honest and ethical business operations,
- Analyzing accidents so that the necessary preventive measures can be taken to prevent other similar accidents,
- Violence, harassment and unwanted sexual behavior at work are considered unacceptable and will be properly addressed,
- Not allow discrimination, directly or indirectly, or harassment in the selection and treatment of employees based on age, disability, gender/gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation,
- Not allow discrimination, directly or indirectly, or harassment of or by any stakeholders in the provision of Yamagata Europe’s goods and services, based on age, disability, gender/gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation,
- Consistent usage of gender-inclusive language towards all stakeholders,
- Oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination or victimization.
In accordance with the Kaizen principle, we strive for continuous improvement, also with regards to this policy, which is evaluated every year.
Safety, health, well-being and the environment are priorities for the evaluation of our employees and external parties. All employees are expected to use their duties, rights, responsibilities and generally accepted practices in accordance with the internal rules and are expected to contribute actively to the implementation of this policy.
Geert Benoit
Managing Director